Men's and women's immune systems differ, and HRT for trans men made their immune systems change in this study.
Research shows that Black men are 70 percent more likely to develop prostate cancer. Here's why and what you need to know.
The investigation sampled 378 men between the ages of 18 to 85 who self-identified as heterosexual, gay, or bisexual.
The high-risk strains of human papillomavirus that are linked to cancer appear to also pose a threat to sperm quality.
A new study aimed to identify the competencies college leaders need. Current college presidents emphasized trust building, ...
At Grace Church in Waco, Texas, the Generation Z gender divide can be seen in the pews. It has the potential to reshape both ...
Ithaca College students embarked on a team research project under Leigh Ann Vaughn, professor in the Department of Psychology ...
A study led by the, Riverside reveals that men consuming a high-cholesterol diet may increase the risk of cardiovascular ...
Maintaining healthy nitric oxide levels is critical to preserving optimal blood flow. However, as we age, our nitric oxide ...
“This incredibly generous grant from The Darien Foundation enables us to meet the demands of our community, providing ...
The Pentagon is investing half a billion dollars to research medical issues that disproportionately affect women in military ...
Israel said it was the first time the Lebanese militia had taken aim at Israel’s economic hub. Half a million people are ...