Staff at Safari West near Santa Rosa is “thrilled” to welcome a baby ring-tailed lemur born Feb. 22 at the wildlife preserve.
We're all familiar with the outward signs of aging. The face that greets you in the mirror each morning may have sagging skin ...
We're all familiar with the outward signs of aging. The face that greets you in the mirror each morning may have sagging skin ...
When winter sets in in the wild, dwarf lemurs disappear into tree holes or underground burrows, where they spend up to seven months ... off the fat stored in their tails as they would in the ...
When the flood waters rise, a band of animals takes shelter on a boat, where they have to work together to survive. Flow is a ...
He deftly captures the cat's yawns, the movements of the lemur's ringed tail as it's preening and the ... cat Nico would sooner drown than team up with a lemur — Flow captures the way animals ...
Flow’ is a visually stunning, dialogue-free animated film that explores survival and companionship in a post-human world.
We are pretty sure that while locals might share their corner of the globe with some of the weird animals on this list, most of you won't have heard of them.
Thailand is expected to welcome a record-breaking 40 million visitors in 2025, many of whom will be drawn to the country’s dreamy beaches and islands, the jewels in Thailand’s ...