John Lennon's I Am the Walrus lyrics have been deciphered to discover the Beatles song's hidden meaning by a music expert.
Lewis Carroll’s fantastical writing style wasn’t the only driving inspiration for John Lennon’s classic Beatles track, “I Am the Walrus,” although a quick read through the musician’s ...
John Lennon’s writing style employed almost an ... The Beatle utilized these techniques on songs like “I Am the Walrus” and “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” too. Lennon’s book, In ...
A "legendary" Liverpool Beatles tour guide loved by fans across the world has died aged 78. Back in the 1980s, Eddie Porter ...
The Beatles came across Bob Dylan for the first time, and it completely revolutionised their outlook on music.
He died on Friday, March 14, at the age of 78. On the International Beatlesweek Facebook page, Beatles fans from across the ...
The Beatles were blessed with four outstanding vocalists to deliver their wonderful songs. They really didn’t have any need to go looking outside the band for somebody else to bring something to the ...
John Lennon once stormed out of a radio studio when ... with lyrics such as, "I was the walrus, Paul wasn't the walrus. I was just saying that to be nice, but I was actually the walrus." ...