These cedar trees stood as a permanent ... a soul that is rooted in Israel’s sacred beginnings and pointed toward the ultimate Redemption—a soul whose two feet stand on earth, but whose ...
Israeli hits Gaza with deadly overnight airstrikes; President Donald Trump targets Houthi rebels; Trump wants to close the ...
The former retail worker in Melbourne says the tech giant told him to stop wearing a pro-Palestinian necklace and bracelet ...
Protesters hung makeshift banners and posters that read “From Palestine to Lebanon, olive trees do not bend, cedar trees do not break” in the ... Jan. 21 disruption of the class History of Modern ...
C an you really see the best of Sequoia National Park in just one day? We set out to find out. Living only four hours away, ...
All the trees of the wood ... On the high mountains of Israel will I plant it and it shall shoot forth into branches, and shall bear fruit, and it shall become a great cedar, and all the birds ...
On Oct. 7, 2023, pictures of devastation flashed across the television screen. Hamas militants launched a massive surprise attack against Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking civilian hostages. We ...
Recent storms have downed branches across Cedar Rapids, and city staff are responding to calls for picking up tree debris. Strong storms led to minimal tree damage across Cedar Rapids late on Friday.
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