The 1980s have a reputation for producing some truly great and cheesy horror movies, but some of them actually had A+ ideas ...
Combining bigger budgets, bigger actors, and bigger ideas, these stellar second horror films prove the directors behind them ...
Like other horror B-movies, Mr. Crocket rises above familiarity ... Still, Wounds offers enough interesting ideas to warrant a watch from horror lovers. Tragedy Girls is a horror satire that ...
Ash Review
Ash features gnarly effects and a great soundtrack, but this sci-fi horror movie is bogged down by a convoluted story.
You're Next director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett have explained why they think it's a "really good" thing they never made a sequel – despite having a very clear idea on where they ...
20th Century Fox had absolutely no idea what to do with David Prior ... and a great fit for the Netflix horror roster of movies you can watch while you do something on your phone.