Wizards of Baking.” The competition series, hosted by Fred and George Weasley actors James and Oliver Phelps, follows teams ...
The Harry Potter Film Concert Series returns to the Capitol Theatre with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Concert, ...
Defense Against the Dark Arts is a difficult position to fill & keep in Harry Potter, and the world has some great and awful ...
Due to popular demand, CAPA has added a third performance of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 In Concert.
The Harry Potter film series saw the cast grow and develop over the years but sadly, a number of the stars have since died.
From Hogwarts-themed hotel rooms to witchy cocktails, these 10 experiences will charm any Potterhead. See our list of 10 incredible places for any Harry Potter fan to enjoy, whether you're a casual ...
The phenomenon of Potterhead Politics is a intriguing example of how a fanbase has become a vehicle for engaging with ...
Neville Longbottom's crucial backstory adds depth to his character and should have been included in the Harry Potter movies.
Once you finish racking up House Points at “Harry Potter: The Exhibition” in Cambridge, you can refuel with a set of ...
Immortalised by the late Alan Rickman, Harry Potter potions master Severus Snape is about to make a resurgence to our screens ...
Harry Potter fans have been left gobsmacked after learning there are two different versions of the first film, Harry Potter ...
More than 85 different beers will be available to sample at this year's event, which is themed after Harry Potter.