Ghana, like many countries, faces significant environmental challenges, including the destructive practice of illegal ...
Many younger evangelicals, however, are open to new ideas and appear to accept the scientific evidence. One Pew study found a ...
Our weekly roundup of the latest science in the news, as well as a few fascinating articles to keep you entertained over the ...
Does the Bible command Christians to tithe and, if so, is the baseline 10 percent as expressed in the Old Testament? I ...
The search for Abraham is the search for the divine in ourselves, that heavenly spark that calls us to pray three times a day ...
I am listening to Leslee and I am like, 'Well she's quoting the Bible', which is a great place ... "My parenting changed y'all when I was reading the Genesis. I know that sounds really weird ...
Whatever Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, it was certainly neither a Fuji nor Granny Smith. As Azzan Yadin-Israel ...
Corruption is pervasive, from sports officiating to government and even churches. Shawn Wasson explores the roots of sin, its ...
In the Czech Republic, unknown fragments of Francysk Skaryna 's Bible were found in Prague. These pages were in the cover of ...
MERIDIAN, Miss. (WTOK) -The 5th Annual Bible Reading Marathon, began today on the front lawn at College Park Methodist church ...
Some scholars think that the ancient Israelites were Hyksos. Others say Israelites were slaves to them. They claim the Israelite enslavement in Egypt and their exodus under Moses’ leadership never ...