Jean Gerard André, known for his generosity and love of music, passed away in Haiti after a life of service and hard work.
He also brought surprises to the front page. By featuring social and ... The Times also began citing AIDS in obituaries as a cause of death, and in another bow to popular usage, began listing ...
In 2013 Paula started working for a school district as a preschool assistant, moved to the school front office and then to the district office in an HR position, where she retired again in 2020.
Like most mornings throughout her life of 80 years, Annie Jarvis awakened at 5 a.m. sharp, put on a pot of strong coffee, and checked the front stoop for the ...
A proud U.S. Army veteran, Harry served his country in the National Guard, before being drafted during the Korean War, where he served on the front lines at Heartbreak Ridge. Harry earned a Purple ...
March 21, 2025 Carolyn Sue Busse (Williams), age 77, was known as Mom to Ruann Larson (Daryl) and Jason Busse (Jessi); Carol ...
This year’s delayed St. Patrick’s Day celebrations at Indiana University of Pennsylvania are off to a quieter start than in ...
When it came to her grandchildren, she had such a special bond, it was nothing to pass by her home and see her out in the front yard playing tag or a good game of wiffle ball. She also loved spending ...
Ukraine's president says his country will proceed with a ceasefire prohibiting attacks on energy infrastructure following a ...
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa says the claim that white people are being persecuted in his country is a “completely ...
Florida drivers would have to attach license plates on the front of their vehicles that would match the plates already required on the rear, under a proposal moving forward in the Senate.
The Altoona Fire Department was able to quickly contain a structure fire on the 200 block of Crawford Avenue on Wednesday ...