The oil company began drilling recovery wells in a Bucks County neighborhood where jet fuel leaked into the water.
The local subsidiary of US oil and gas giant ExxonMobil plans to finish drilling five wells in the Banyu Urip Field for a ...
Geoterm Kosice has selected MND Drilling & Services to drill three or more wells by September 2025 for the geothermal heating ...
U.S. shale needs much higher oil prices than $50 per barrel, and even higher than the current WTI Crude price in the high ...
Operator plans to drill a test well in Norway, while progressing with Greensand and Viking projects in Denmark and UK, ...
Giants like Chevron are increasingly prioritizing efficiency over substantial capital investments or quantitative expansion ...
When you click on “Accept all”, you consent to ads on this site being customized to a personal profile we or our advertising ...
Dewey Levie, secretary-treasurer of the water company, told ABC15 that a well that used to pump 120 gallons per minute is now ...
Back in early April of last year, you may have noticed drilling behind the Valley Square Plaza in Rapid Valley, which was ...
Honolulu-based Barnwell Industries Inc., which specializes in oil and natural gas operations, said today it has sold ...
The rapidly-growing sinkhole in Upton County is the latest of many problems caused by old wells in the Permian Basin.
Lawmakers filed bill to ban oil drilling within 10 miles of Apalachicola Bay, aiming to protect vital ecosystem.