The amorous drake throws his head back till it touches ... on this frigid day are among the hardiest of the 23 species of waterfowl that occur regularly in Ohio. As spring progresses and the ...
Drake's parents were posing on the beach ... Goldens "love to play fetch, are natural swimmers, and will attempt to catch waterfowl if given the chance," Wag! writes. Additionally, Golden ...
As we see with Drake, Golden Retrievers really love to play, and that's something they hold onto forever, too. Goldens “love to play fetch, are natural swimmers, and will attempt to catch waterfowl if ...
Call Harold Drake, 920-344-6443. Douglas County Fish and Game League ... Call Tom Beyer, 920-988- 7436, or go to Waterfowl Hunters Expo, Aug. 22-23: Expo runs from 8 a.m.