the twenty-four-year-old showed himself wandering through ... engineer has shared several of his adventures exploring creepy abandoned places during his travels across the world.
‘My eight-year-old son is better than me ... on two different days and in different places, while at the wheel of her Land Rover Discovery. Mike Tindall had his nose straightened after ...
Today we use my underwater drone robot, the FIFISH V6 to search the bottom of this lake for the old town that existed before the government flooded it. We found some very interesting things, some ...
A pair of archaeologists has unearthed five 2,400-year-old ceramic figurines at the top ... of exchanging ideas with remarkably distant places.” It also provides new insights into an ancient ...
There are places in the world that make the hair on the back of your neck stand. They are creepy and full of haunting stories from the past. Once such a place can be found in Rockland County ...
On Tuesday, a 24-year-old was arrested in Clark’s Harbour, N.S., after witnesses reported that a clown had grabbed a boy’s clothing. The creepy clown ... residents in the town of Greenville ...
The 50-year-old, of no fixed address, was previously jailed in September for four months for an offence he had committed in July. He was also given a three-year restraining order, prohibiting him ...
"I go on walks often, and I’ve literally not seen a single coin in at least the last two years. But I constantly found dimes ...
Perhaps the surest sign that artificial intelligence really is taking over the world will come the day it wins your favorite ...