Goodenough Island, D'Entrecasteaux Group, Papua. June 1943. No. 79 (Spitfire) Squadron RAAF personnel giving and receiving haircuts near the tents of members of the Transport Section. Back row ...
Kiriwina Island, Trobriand Islands, Papua. 1944. Identification portrait of 128145 Aircraftman 1 D. M. (Don) Campbell, Aircraft Hand, No. 79 (Spitfire) Squadron RAAF. Your generous donation will be ...
The RAF Music Services perform Senior Aircraftman Matthew Leach piece 'Saeculum', meaning 'Century' in Latin. Matthew won the RAF Slow March competition, to celebrate a century of music in the RAF, ...
Howard Leedham, James Calder, Craig Ross and Martin Thompson spent a gruelling 25 days on camelback crossing the Nafud desert in Saudi Arabia to mark 90 years since T.E Lawrence's death. The four ...