It's the second such disruption to a federal vaccine advisory panel since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. became the nation’s top health official earlier this month.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration confirmed today that a meeting of its independent advisory panel to discuss the composition of this year’s flu vaccine had been canceled and that the regulator would instead make recommendations later.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has abruptly cancelled a vaccine advisory meeting where members were slated to discuss influenza vaccine strains.
A meeting of a committee which advises the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on vaccine policy has been canceled, a committee member told Reuters, the second such disruption to a federal vaccine advisory panel since Robert F.
The FDA canceled a meeting of vaccine advisors scheduled for next month to decide the composition of next season's influenza vaccines, an HHS official confirmed Thursday.
Rumors are spreading all over the place.’ Experts fear the cancellation signals a sidelining of science at federal health agencies under Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s leadership.
This week, the Food and Drug Administration — now with vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the helm — unexpectedly and without reason canceled a March meeting of scientists who advise the FDA on vaccine policy. A similar meeting at the Centers for Disease Control was postponed last week.
Flu vaccine makers may face a last-minute scramble to produce enough doses after an FDA advisory committee meeting was abruptly canceled.
Two long-planned vaccine meetings — one at the US Centers for Disease Control and another at the US Food and Drug Administration — have now been disrupted under the watch of US Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F.