Jelena Djokovic brought a touch of elegance to her 2025 Australian Open wardrobe on Tuesday in Melbourne, Australia. Djokovic was on-hand in her husband’s player’s box as Novak Djokovic of Serbia defeated Carlos Alcaraz of Spain in the quarter-final match of the first Grand Slam tournament of the tennis season.
Damon Wayans has no hard feelings about getting fired from “Saturday Night Live” back in Season 11 – mostly because he wanted to be let go from the sketch show.
The X and Y chromosomes, commonly referred to as the sex chromosomes, are one such pair. They determine the biological sex, reproductive organs, and sexual characteristics that develop in a person.
It's early in 2025 and already, there are a huge deal of upcoming Xbox Series X games on the way. February will see a slew of new games land on the platform and Game Pass, with Obsidian's own RPG ...
Djokovic said after his fourth-round victory over Jiří Lehečka that he boycotted his on-court post-match interview in the wake of Jones' actions and the lack of apology from Channel 9.
Shelton's comments came after Novak Djokovic refused to do an on-court interview with Jim Courier following his fourth-round win over Jiří Lehečka. Djokovic revealed later that his refusal to ...
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Former UFC light heavyweight champ Jiří Procházka wasn't pleased to be told of one topic that came up during the broadcast of his recent victory.
Jelena Djokovic made a casual departure from her typically suited-up style at the 2025 Australian Open in Melbourne on Sunday. The wife of Novak Djokovic watched as the Serbian tennis pro defeated Czech player Jiří Lehečka.