The assassination in Lebanon, and the death of Nasrallah’s heir in the same strike, was a devastating blow to Iran’s most powerful militant group.
Doron Buchbaza allegedly contacted Iranian intelligence and offered to sell information regarding Israel's Dimona nuclear power plant.
Asif Rahman's charges stemmed from the online disclosure of classified documents about Israel’s preparations for a retaliatory strike against Iran.
Israel's defense minister confirmed that the jets were meant to send "a clear message: Those who threaten to destroy Israel and attack Israel, it will be their end." Newsweek has
Recent statements by Islamic Republic officials indicate Tehran’s staunch commitment to rebuilding Hezbollah’s capabilities and achieving “final victory.” These threats may signal a renewed escalation in the region after Israel’s crippling blow to Iran’s missile arsenal and the collapse of the Islamic Republic’s Syrian ally.
Speaking at the INSS conference in Tel Aviv, Amb. Simon Walters says deadline would allow for the E3 to prepare to implement ‘snapback sanctions’
Tehran appears to be keeping pressure on Israel mainly through its network of proxies, resorting to calculated restraint and deniability to avoid risks of a devastating full-scale war.
Israeli leaders hope the thaw in relations will lead Moscow to stem strategic cooperation with Tehran, leaving Iran vulnerable to an attack on its nuclear facilities after a US green light.
The moment is ripe for President Trump to focus on aligning Arab powers with the U.S. and Israel around the common goal of containing Iran, according to former national security officials who attended a major international weapons show here last week.
The moment is ripe for President Trump to focus on aligning Arab powers with the U.S. and Israel around the common goal of containing Iran, according to former national security officials who attended a major international weapons show here last week.
Speaking to the semi-official Tasnim news agency on Wednesday, IRGC commander in Mazandaran Brig. Gen. Siavash Moslemi said, “With precise intelligence monitoring, we have successfully dismantled infiltration and espionage networks associated with US intelligence,