Twins Henrietta and Eliza Huszti seemingly vanished into thin air in Aberdeen the early hours of January 7. CCTV footage has tracked their last known movements while several theories are being floated regarding their disappearance.
Eliza and Henrietta Huszti went missing in Aberdeen, Scotland, three weeks ago. Despite extensive police searches, the 32-year-old twin sisters have not been found
Two missing sisters in Aberdeen made an earlier visit to the bridge where they were last seen hours before they disappeared, CCTV footage has revealed. Police Scotland said a text message was also sent to the women's landlady on the morning they vanished, indicating they would not be returning to the flat.
Eliza and Henrietta Huszti were last seen on January 7 at 2.12am in Market Street at Victoria Bridge. Police in Aberdeen have now said searches in the River Dee and harbour in the city have been compl
Sisters Eliza and Henrietta Huszti were last seen at Market Street at Victoria Bridge at about 02:12 on 7 January
Cops have ended the hunt around the River Dee for two missing identical sisters who vanished in Aberdeen three-weeks-ago. Eliza and Henrietta Huszti disappeared in the early hours of January 7 and
Aberdeen manager Jimmy Thelin has confirmed talks with McGrath’s representative and director of football Steven Gunn are still on-going. “I know that his agent and Steven are speaking,” Thelin confirmed. “Let’s see what’s happening. I know the process is there and that’s what I know.”
Police confirmed today after "extensive and detailed searches" of the river and the Harbour area, the investigation has concluded there.
With an apt festival theme of Journeys this year, up to two thousand two-trip tickets have been made available, allowing visitors to claim free travel for First Bus services, as they make their way to and from Spectra on their chosen date.
She was a season ticket holder for more than 20 years and had become a supporter during the 1990s after being introduced to the club by her late dad.
West Ham United have agreed to sign promising Scottish striker Josh Landers from Scottish Premiership club Hibernian.