*The day prior to the Course Start date is the last day that a student can drop a course through MyMav Self Service. After this date, you will need to contact your academic advisor within your major ...
Complete your graduate degree with the flexibility of our 100% online classes. Help pay for your degree and apply for competitive scholarships and grants, including a TEACH grant of up to $3,772 per ...
President Cowley’s messages to Mavericks and updates on her vision, priorities, and campus news.
The Art + Art History department at UTA brings in a wide range of visiting artists and scholars throughout the Fall & Spring semesters. These artists and scholars bring a wide range of resources and ...
All work featured in these galleries is copyright faculty, staff, and students of the University of Texas at Arlington unless otherwise noted. For more information, please contact the Art office in ...
The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer and is charged with realizing UT Arlington’s central mission of promoting and achieving academic excellence and ...
Dr. Cesar Torres, Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department, and Justin Ginsberg, Assistant Chair of the Art and Art... The production will run at the Bath House Cultural ...
These are considered workforce courses and do not necessarily mean that the coursework will transfer to UT Arlington. This does not necessarily mean that the course will not transfer to UT Arlington.
TAKE THE NEXT STEPS WITH UTA! Shortly after you've been admitted to the University, your transfer credits will be evaluated and posted to your MyMav Student Center. We've outlined these general ...
WHAT CAN I DO WITH A MAJOR IN ENGLISH? Majoring in English will introduce you to writing from across the globe from the earliest period of the language’s history to the present, when digital ...
The Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program prepares advanced practice nurses to manage the care of the patient and their family from birth to 21 years of age in a changing health care ...
Visual Resource Commons (VRC) supports the teaching and research mission of the Department of Art & Art History, providing faculty and student access to art related image collections in analog and ...