I noticed a few weeks ago that WCC rubbish bags were now $4 each at the supermarket. I could recall when they were $2.50 each and was interested in when they increased so much. I asked WCC. In 2020 ...
I analyse the proposed new boundaries for the 2026 general election, the likely impact on each seat for each MP, and which seats flip on paper - plus which MP is out of a job. My prediction last year ...
The NZ version of the deep state appears to be the NZ Public Health Service. They regards themselves as having a divine right to opine on every issue of the day from capitalism to building design.
Jerry Coyne has found a wonderful new research paper. The abstract is: This article offers a queer lesbian feminist analysis attuned to lesbian-queer-trans-canine relationalities. Specifically, the ...
I write on why I think World War III is now very plausible: The odds of this occurring in the next five to ten years has gone from implausible to very possible ... There will be some sort of peace ...
From Stephen Kirchner. Taxing imports is bad for consumers and bad for businesses. The only winner is the Government that gets all the extra tax revenue.
Thousands of jobs faced the axe last night after Sir Keir Starmer announced NHSEngland will be scrapped in a bid to slash red tape. He hopes that ditching the ‘world’s largest quango’ will save ...
Public health doctors are worried the government is trying to suppress their expertise - raising alarm about what they’re describing as “overreach”. This is nothing to do with so called expertise.
This clearly crosses the line from reporting news to manufacturing news. No one can argue that complaints about school lunches should generate over 25 stories a week for an entire month. This is quite ...
As someone whose life work is in education I hear adults complain so often about the "next generation". This quote has always anchored me: 'The children now love luxury; they show disrespect for ...
Climate scientist Michael Mann won $1 million in a defamation lawsuit against writer Mark Steyn. However the damages have been reduced to $5,000 due to false claims by Mann about lost grants.