The A-10 still serves the Air Force today after more than five decades in service. T he A-10 Thunderbolt II may be well into ...
The United States Air Force's fleet of Rockwell B-1 Lancer bombers ... there have been occasions where some of the old Bones sent to the infamous "Boneyard" have returned to service.
say 'farewell' to the first KC-10 in the McGuire fleet to make its journey to the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group — more commonly known as the 'Boneyard,'" said US Air Force ...
At the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, also known as the "Boneyard," US military planes from all services go to die. Single seat jets ...
Once the pride of Britain’s RAF and Royal Navy, the now stripped-down Harrier vertical take-off jump jets sit like skeletons in the famous US aircraft ‘Boneyard’ in the Arizona desert.