One increasingly popular method is self-assembly. This process involves the spontaneous organization of individual components into a larger, functional structure without the need for external control ...
Self-assembly is the process by which an organized structure spontaneously forms from individual components, as a result of specific, local interactions among the components. When the constitutive ...
Functional materials can be created with rational self-assembly of building blocks over a broad range of length scales, from small molecules and polymers to nanoparticles and nanowires. Northwestern ...
Capillary forces and self-assembly are critical concepts in microfabrication, particularly in the manipulation and assembly of small components. These forces arise from the interactions between ...
The scientists have taken a major step forwards in tackling one of the greatest abiding challenges in chemistry, by learning how to programme the self-assembly of molecules in such a way that the end ...
Over the past few years, photovoltaic (PV) technologies have become increasingly widespread, contributing to the ongoing quest to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While most solar cells on the market ...
A new platform for studying neuroinflammatory diseases, utilizing advanced 3D bioprinting technology was developed by POSTECH in collaboration with Seoul National University Hospital.
RIT chemical engineering researcher contributes to new technique to manipulate light to improve applications for sensors, ...
Self-assembly of complex and functional materials into large, but finite-size, superstructures remains a grand challenge in soft materials science. Living systems routinely achieve size-controlled ...
Timothy Cook is an expert in materials science. His lab develops and analyzes new materials created through self-assembly, a process in which small chemical units interact and join together — like ...