A hard scientific revelation this week, which should trigger concern and anger across our community. A comprehensive ...
Firefighters were on the scene of multiple mudslides in San Jacinto Thursday that trapped occupants of several vehicles, as a late-winter rainstorm moved through the Inland Empire. The mudslides were ...
The Sinu-9 gas block is located in the Sinu San Jacinto basin, adjacent to producing gas blocks held by Canacol and Hocol. NG Energy is currently the operator of the block and owns a 72% working ...
Officials with the U.S. Forest Service/San Bernardino National Forest have announced the closure of the following campgrounds in the San Jacinto District ... Marion and Boulder Basin are ...
Plunge Creek and several forks of Lytle Creek in the Santa Ana River basin; and the North Fork San Jacinto River and its tributary Indian Creek. Santa Ana speckled dace have been eliminated from ...
Sinu-9 covers 311,353 acres in Sinú-San Jacinto (SSJ) basin in the Lower Magdalena Valley, 75 km from Colombia’s Caribbean coast. It has been permitted to drill 22 wells from 11 locations.