[3] This extra medication assures that the patient is comfortable at the initiation of the modality and will be able to sustain blood levels sufficient to maintain pain relief.
I would work to see medical aid-in-dying legislation enacted. MAID is fundamentally about the right of individuals to make ...
You may be receiving patient-controlled epidural analgesia or PCEA. What this means is that you will be receiving a continuous infusion of the epidural medication and you will also have a control ...
Acute and chronic postoperative pain and functional disability persisted among patients who underwent posterior spinal fusion despite multimodal analgesic management.
However, when given by intermittent injection or patient-controlled analgesia, these agents are relatively ineffective. [113] NSAIDs, by any route, are contraindicated for this use because of ...
Anesthesia techniques play a crucial role in alleviating this pain and improving patient recovery ... anesthesia techniques for postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing major oncologic ...