From June to September the Nile rises 13 to 14 ells (1 ell = 7/10 yd.) in Upper Egypt, 7 to 8 ells in the Delta. Value of the flood is twofold: water for irrigation, silt for crops. Fertilizing ...
In ancient times, between the months of May and September, the Nile's banks would swell and overflow until it flooded the plains surrounding it. The floodwaters would leave nutrient-rich silt ...
MANIAL SULTAN, Egypt — Yassin Saeed remembers when the Nile’s annual flood drenched his village ... holding back the rich silt that acted as a fertilizer, and drove thousands of villagers ...
Ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemet," which meant "black," after the black fertile silt-layered soil that was left behind each year during the annual innundation, when the Nile flooded the ...