The inverted Nikon spinning disk confocal microscope is equipped with four laser lines (405, 488, 561, and 647 nm), 4x-40x air objective lenses, and 60x NA1.40 and 100x NA1.45 oil objective lenses.
N-STORM takes advantage of Nikon's powerful Ti2-Eclipse inverted microscope and applies high-accuracy, multi-color localization and reconstruction in three dimensions (xyz) to enable super-resolution ...
The Nikon A1R-HD25 Confocal has Four channel imaging, high speed resonance scanner (30 fps at 512x512, up to 420 fps depending on area), perfect focus system for timelapse imaging, live cell imaging ...
This instrument has phase contrast capability and a motorized Z drive. Nikon N-SIM structured illumination super-resolution and A1 laser scanning confocal microscope The inverted Nikon N-SIM/A1 ...
The system is operated using PerkinElmer Volocity software. The Nikon Eclipse TiE is a fully automated inverted microscope outfitted with two light sources for fluorescence imaging: a Heliphor ...
The Nikon inverted confocals are equipped with a hybrid scanner system ... The Zeiss confocal is built on an upright microscope. This allows the use of non-living/living samples under a coverslip or ...
In addition to the integrated inverted optical microscope, like the Nikon Eclipse Ti-U and Olympus IX-71 with DIC and Phase Contrast, the CombiScope can be fitted with the head that offers the top and ...
an inverted tissue culture microscope, and a Nikon SMZ 800 with a fluorescence attachment for macro imaging, among others. "Leveraging its extensive resources, technical expertise and experienced ...
on both inverted and upright microscope. Additionally, it also showcased prominent products like Digital Imaging Microscope ...