Tortoise habitat in the Mojave Desert is negatively affected by power lines, development, highways and changes across the landscape. Red brome and Mediterranean grass are invasive grasses in the ...
The Center has been working for the Mojave desert tortoise since 1997. Challenging the Bureau of Land Management's grazing practices on arid public lands, we've helped protect millions of acres of ...
"The desert tortoise is in terrible shape, especially in the West Mojave, where it's in the worst shape. And it's partly due to this kind of habitat loss and the constant fragmentation," Belenky said.
Following more than three decades of declining numbers, the Mojave ... Colorado Desert saw a decrease of 17%, representing about 13,000 tortoises. Threats to the animals include habitat loss ...
Mojave Max, a desert tortoise mascot for the Clark County Desert ... that determines when Wattson wakes up in his fully enclosed habitat is the path of the sun, which has to reach down four ...
desert tortoise habitat, natural areas, scenic viewsheds and the integrity of adjacent wilderness study areas. Moreover, the project’s groundwater pumping could harm water quality and quantity at ...
Temperatures in the Las Vegas Valley may be warming up, but Mojave Max ... down with two female tortoises that live with him in the preserve’s 15-acre desert tortoise habitat.
Arizona State University School of Life Sciences researchers and their collaborators may have a new tool to help conserve the Mojave Desert ... disease. Desert Tortoise Habitat is Facing Threats ...