Spread This News BBC US funding cuts will lead to an additional 2,000 new HIV infections each day and over six million ...
Human resources disruptions are affecting HIV treatment services, including medicine distribution, patient management, and monitoring. DHIS2 (District Health Information Software 2) is impacted due to ...
SAN FRANCISCO -- Providing long-acting (LA) antiretroviral therapy (ART) to breastfeeding women with HIV who face adherence ...
With it playing a central role in public health services provision in Zimbabwe and the rest of Africa, fears abound that ...
As many as 600,000 people could die over the next 10 years in South Africa alone as a result of U.S. funding cuts, study says ...
And the WHO, Global Fund and Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and Aids (UNAids) are all working on strategies ...
NEW YORK, USA - UNAIDS deputy executive director Christine Stegling has urged global leaders to prioritise HIV prevention and ...
These include the Gender Responsive Oversight Model (GROM), the Sadc Strategy and Framework of Action for Addressing GBV ...