The entire long taproot should be dug up, and plant parts should be disposed of as they remain poisonous even after dried. Poison ivy can be found in abundance in most parts of Oklahoma ...
While the titular antivillain of Poison Ivy #30 is busy becoming the newest emissary for the metaphysical, mycelial force known as The Grey, her friend and confidant Janet Mitchel ...
While poison sumac likes to grow in wetlands, most other sumacs prefer drier areas with well-drained soils. Poison ivy and poison oak are two other commonly known poisonous plants that can cause a ...
Poison Ivy thrives in a climate changed world. Plants grow faster, bigger and have more toxic oils with increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and higher temperatures. As warmer ...
Poison ivy annoys with its notorious skin rash. And common milkweed may be prolific once its pods open, but it’s a native species that hosts butterfly larvae. Plant by plant, it can help to ...
Poison Ivy #31 hits stores this Wednesday, as our favorite eco-warrior ventures into the mysterious town of Marshview, where ...
This one is from 2021. Q: We discovered poison ivy in our woods. If our cats and dogs touch it, can it cause them problems? What if they rub up against us humans? A: Neither cats nor dogs suffer ...