Les résultats de l’enquête sur les abus sexuels commis par des chanoines du Grand-Saint-Bernard entre 1951 et 1998 au Collège Champittet ont été dévoilés ce lundi. À la suite des ...
Four leading Nord Anglia Education schools have once again secured their place amongst the world's best private schools, as recognised by the prestigious 2025 Spear's Schools Index.
Le collège Champittet est un prestigieux collège en Suisse, accueillant 800 élèves dont une soixantaine de pensionnaires. Ici, la discipline est stricte. Madame Waring, la directrice de l'inte ...
Philippe de Korodi, Principal of Collège Champittet, said: "Collège Champittet is dedicated to shaping future leaders who are compassionate, open-minded, and independent thinkers. Our inclusion ...
In this year's index, three schools were once again recognised in the "Top 100": Collège Alpin Beau Soleil and Collège Champittet in Switzerland, along with Swiss International Scientific School ...