Visakhapatnam: As many as 15 new roads, including several greenfield routes, are set to be developed or opened from different ...
VMRDA fast-tracks 15 road developments for Bhogapuram airport, aiming for completion by June 2026 at ₹390 crore.
Vizianagaram: A worker was killed in a mishap during construction works at Greenfield international airport in Bhogapuram in the district on Monday.
Andhra Pradesh’s Bhogapuram airport is being considered as the future growth engines of Visakhapatnam and will replace its existing aerodrome. Being constructed by the GMR Group, the 2200 acre ...
VARWA and NIVAS demand a flyover from Hanumanthawaka to Maddilapalem to ease traffic congestion in Visakhapatnam.
GVIAL had represented that the total land allotted for the Bhogapuram Airport Project as per the bid document was 2,703.26 acres, and financial bids were submitted considering the potential for ...
CAPA publishes more than 1,000 global News Briefs every week, covering all aspects of the aviation and travel industry. It’s the most comprehensive source of market intelligence in the world, with ...