The image shows Langerhans islets after chronic intermittent fasting. On the left those of an adult animal, on the right those of a young animal. The beta cells of the pancreatic Langerhans ...
For several years, Lena Eliasson's research group has explored mechanisms that regulate insulin secretion from beta cells situated in the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas. Together with ...
PDX-1 is a critically important transcription factor for the insulin promoter, is absent in glucotoxic islets, and, when transfected into glucotoxic ß-cells, improves insulin promoter activity.
In this type of diabetes, the immune system specifically destroys insulin-secreting beta cells in the pancreatic islets — the body's own immune system attacks its own cells (a form of autoimmune ...
The researchers investigated the impact of intermittent fasting on the beta cells. In the pancreas of mature mice, no negative effects on the beta cells were observed (here stained green).