If you’re dealing with a pest problem—namely, a mouse or two—the common solution is to set up some traditional mousetraps around your home. However, you might be surprised when you notice mouse traps ...
If prevention techniques have failed, there are a variety of baits and traps to lure rodents into an enclosure and/or mechanism that kills them. Though standard mouse traps and glues continue to ...
Mice aren't the best roommates — they eat all your food and don't even pay rent! Oftentimes, they seem to scamper everywhere except over the traps you've so carefully laid out. According to a ...
As things warm up outside, a lot of us will wage war inside with an annual invasion of pests. If so, think twice before ...
Install rodent fertility-control bait stations. Remove existing rodents with snap or electronic traps. Remove rodent attractants like consumables and shelter by ensuring that food and water are secure ...