Youngsters at Avon Middle School brought their knowledge of history to life by creating living waxworks of historical figures ...
the cheers from the bleachers inside Avon Middle/High School got louder and louder. Then just minutes into the second half, the gym became deafening with cheers, screams, buzzers and other sound ...
A 22-year-old Avon man was held without bail after pleading not guilty to murder in the death of his mother in Stoughton ...
Real World. program at Avon Middle School, 3445 Long Road, according to a news release. Over 300 students participated in this interactive financial literacy experience that helps them understand ...
Connecting for Kids is offering a resource fair filled with mental health, academic and disability providers from 6 to 8 p.m.
Two 14-year-old boys were taken into custody after police said they lodged threats against Avong Grove Middle School ... "continue to support the Avon Grove School District." ...