Airman First Class Nicholas Sweetser, a 30-year-old from Eastham, Massachusetts, was arrested Thursday by Massachusetts State Police, the Cape & Island District Attorney’s Office said Friday.
Jack Teixeira, of Dighton and Massachusetts Air National Guard member, plead guilty at a court-martial after leaking Pentagon documents on Discord.
Senior Airman Nicholas Duffy, of the 62nd Maintenance Squadron, practiced yoga; Airman First Class Jisue Kim, of the 627th Civil Engineer Squadron, thrashed around for a bit; and Senior Airman ...
Airman First Class Nicholas Sweetser, 30, of Eastham, was held for his hearing following his arraignment Feb. 14 for two counts each of rape and photographing an unsuspecting nude person ...
WEAR is giving a salute to our military. Tonight we honor Airman First Class Garrett James who serves in the U.S. Air Force. He was recently named the 505th Command and Control Wing Airman of the ...
"It is very rewarding to be a part of making history," said Airman 1st Class Daelyn Mayer, a 354th MXS conventional maintenance inspector. "I think it's awesome to get to say we built the first ...
The extra time will allow Air Force trainees to operate in small teams, solve tactical problems, and practice leadership ...