Newton Hamilton is a borough in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 197 at the time of the 2020 census. On June 15, 1762, Hugh Brown obtained a warrant for two hundred and fifty acres of land, a portion of which would later become known as the borough of Newton Hamilton. Sometime before 1783, Brown was killed during a…Newton Hamilton is a borough in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 197 at the time of the 2020 census. On June 15, 1762, Hugh Brown obtained a warrant for two hundred and fifty acres of land, a portion of which would later become known as the borough of Newton Hamilton. Sometime before 1783, Brown was killed during an encounter with Indigenous peoples in the area. During the resolution of Brown's estate, that land was inherited by Margaret Hamilton, according to 18th-century land ownership and assessment documents in Pennsylvania's Juniata and Susquehanna Valley region, which show that Hamilton's land holdings were assessed at sixty acres in 1783. Hamilton subsequently sold "lots 28-29 'in the general plan of Newton Hamilton' to Samuel McCurdy on January 19, 1802," according to historian Franklin Ellis, who also noted that the town of Newton Hamilton "was laid out under its present name about 1802" by Margaret Hamilton, who "lived and died there." Those plots of land were described in records of the period as having been fifty by one hundred and fifty feet, and were situated on what is, today, the north side of the borough's Front Street.