Owenyo was an unincorporated community in Inyo County, California. It was located on the Southern Pacific Railroad 5 miles north of Lone Pine, at an elevation of 3697 feet. The town was abandoned in the 1960s, and all that remain now are a few traces of building foundations. There are no standing structures and no inhabitants in or anywhere near Owenyo, …Owenyo was an unincorporated community in Inyo County, California. It was located on the Southern Pacific Railroad 5 miles north of Lone Pine, at an elevation of 3697 feet. The town was abandoned in the 1960s, and all that remain now are a few traces of building foundations. There are no standing structures and no inhabitants in or anywhere near Owenyo, which remains on 21st century maps only as a reference point along the bleak, unkept and itself abandoned Owenyo-Lone Pine Road which runs about two miles east of, and running parallel with, Federal Highway 395.